发布时间 :2014-04-10  阅读次数 :2559

报告题目:New players in shoot meristem control in maize and Arabidopsis

报  告  人:  Dr. Dave Jackson


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,

Tel 516 367 8467      Fax 516 367 8369

Lab website: http://jacksonlab.cshl.edu/index.html

报告时间:4月25日 下午 15:00-16:00


联  系 人: 张大兵 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   021-34204869



We are interested in how the shape or morphology of plants is determined. This is a fundamental question in developmental biology, with downstream applications in plant productivity and crop yields. Specifically, we aim to define the molecular and genetic pathways that control development. Recently, we have been studying cell-to-cell signaling, or how cells talk to each other, to coordinate their development and fate. Our two model organisms are maize, one of the world’s most important crops, and Arabidopsis, a "lab rat" plant that is ideal for fundamental studies of gene regulation and cell biology. We are also developing new projects to extend what we learn from these model systems to other cereal crop plants such as wheat, barley and rice, to learn how developmental genes have contributed to the selection of these different crop species.


1. Eveland, A., Goldshmidt, A., Pautler, M., Morohashi, K., Liseron-Monfils, C., Lewis, M., Kumari, S., Hiraga, S., Yang, F., Unger-Wallace, E., Olson, A., Hake, S., Vollbrecht, E., Grotewold, E., Ware, D. and Jackson, D. (2014). Regulatory modules controlling maize inflorescence architecture.Genome Research, 24(3): 431-443. doi:10.1101/gr.166397.113.

2. Bommert, P.,Je, B., Goldshmidt, A., and Jackson, D. (2013). The maize Gα gene COMPACT PLANT2 functions in CLAVATA signalling to control shoot meristem size.Nature, 2013 Sept 11. doi:10.1038/nature12583.

3. Wu, Q., Luo, A., Zadrozny, T., Sylvester, A. and Jackson, D. (2013). Fluorescent protein marker lines in maize: generation and applications. Int. J. Dev. Biol., 57: 535-543. doi:10.1387/ijdb.130240qw.

4. Lituiev, D.S., Krohn, D.G., Müller, B., Jackson, D., Hellriegel, B., Dresselhaus, T. and Grossniklaus, U. (2013). Theoretical and experimental evidence indicates that there is no auxin gradient patterning the angiosperm female gametophyte. Development,140: 4544-4553.

5. Pautler, M., Tanaka, W., Hirano, H.Y., Jackson, D. (2013). Grass Meristems I: Shoot apical meristem maintenance, axillary meristem determinacy, and the floral transition.Plant Cell Physiol., 54(3): 302–312. doi:10.1093/pcp/pct025.

6. Tanaka, W., Pautler, M., Jackson, D, Hirano, HY. (2013). Grass meristems II - Inflorescence architecture, flower development and meristem fate. Plant Cell Physiol.,54(3): 313–324. doi:10.1093/pcp/pct016.

7. Carillo, P., Feil, R., Gibon, Y., Satoh-Nagasawa, N., Jackson, D., Bläsing, O., Stitt, M. and Lunn, J.E. (2013). A fluorometric assay for trehalose in the picomole range. Plant Methods, 9(1): 21. doi:10.1186/1746-4811-9-21.

8. Christensen, S.A., Nemchenko, A., Borrego, E., Murray, I., Sobhy, I.S., Bosak, L., Deblasio, S., Erb, M., Robert, C.A., Vaughn, K.A., Herrfurth, C., Tumlinson, J., Feussner, I., Jackson, D., Turlings, T.C., Engelberth, J., Nansen, C., Meeley, R., Kolomiets, M.V. (2013). The maize lipoxygenase, ZmLOX10, mediates green leaf volatile, jasmonate and herbivore-induced plant volatile production for defense against insect attack. Plant Journal, 74(1): 59–73. doi: 0.1111/tpj.12101.

9. Bommert, P., Nagasawa, N.S., Jackson, D. (2013). Quantitative variation in maize kernel row number is controlled by the FASCIATED EAR2 locus. Nature Genetics, 45(3): 334-337. doi:10.1038/ng.2534.

10. Han, J.J., Jackson, D., and Martienssen, R. (2012). Pod Corn Is Caused by Rearrangement at the Tunicate1 Locus. Plant Cell, 24(7): 2733-44. doi: 10.1105/tpc.112.100537.