发布时间 :2013-10-17  阅读次数 :2479

报告题目:Vaccine development and the current status in the USA

报 告 人:孙韦强 博士

时     间:10月31日 10:00-12:00

地     点:生物药学楼3-105

摘     要:This presentation will cover the importance, uniqueness, development and manufacturing of vaccine, and its commercialization.

简     介:Dr. Sun currently is an Associate Director of Pfizer vaccine process development and am managing a Bioengineering group.  Previously, he was the Head/Associate Director of Wyeth vaccine process development department at the Pearl River site and was responsible for both upstream and downstream process development for five years (2004-2009).  Prior to my time at Wyeth, he was a Development Scientist/Group Leader responsible for Upstream Process Development at Aventis Pasteur (1998-2004).  Before working at Aventis Pasteur, he was employed as a Biochemical Engineer/Supervisor at North American Vaccine, Inc. (1995-1998) and was responsible for fermentation and recovery process development, scale-up, and tech transfer.  Between 1986 and 1989, Dr. Sun was a lecture in the Department of Biological Science and Technology at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Dr. Sun received his Ph.D. and M.S. in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering from University of Maryland (UMBC); M.S. in Environmental Chemical Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University; B.S. in Biochemistry from East China University of Science & Technology. Dr. Sun hold 4 US patents, and have 19 publications in peer reviewed journals and wrote book chapters in the field of fermentation, bioseparation and bioprocess development. He have been invited to give talks at University of Maryland, Stevens Institute of Technology, and North Carolina Biotechnology Center. Dr. Sun have co-chaired five times in the biochemical technology session at the American Chemical Society (ACS) Annual Meeting. He served as an Industrial Advisory Board Member for the College of Engineering at University of Maryland (UMBC) from 1997 to 2009.


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