发布时间 :2013-07-03  阅读次数 :2613

【报告题目】: Miniaturized Electroosmotic Pump Capable of Generating Thousands of Bars for Nano-HPLC

【报 告 人】: Prof. Shaorong Liu

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,

The University of Oklahoma,

Norman, OK 73019, USA

Phone: +1-405-325-9013;

Fax: +1-405-325-6111;

Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


【报告时间】: 2013年7月4日下午3:00-4:00

【报告地点】: 生物药学楼3-105





B. Sc., Chemistry, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan, P.R. China; (7/1982)

M. Eng., Anal. Instrumentation, China Res. Inst. of Atomic Energy; Academia Sinica (7/1985)

Supervisor: Prof. Lingying Dong

Ph. D., Chemistry (Analytical), Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas; (8/1995)

Supervisor: Prof. Purnendu K Dasgupta

Postdoctoral Fellow, Barnett Institute, Northeastern University,

Boston, MA. (3/1996 – 3/1997) Mentor: Prof. Barry L Karger

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA.

(3/1997 – 3/1998) Mentor: Prof. Richard A Mathies

MBA, Entrepreneurship, Golden Gate University, San Francisco, California; (12/2001)



Engineer, Analytical Division, Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Engineering and

Metallurgy, Beijing, China. (7/1985 – 7/1991)

Executive Editor, Analytical and Metrological Letters, Published by Beijing Research

Institute of Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy. (1/90-7/91)

Scientist, Advanced Research Team, Molecular Dynamics, Sunnyvale, California.

(3/1998 – 3/1999)

Staff Scientist, Advanced Research Team, Molecular Dynamics, Sunnyvale, California.

(3/1999 – 3/2002)

Manager, Technology Development Department, Molecular Dynamics. (1/00 – 3/02)

Associate Professor and Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Texas Tech

University, Lubbock, Texas. (4/2002 – 12/2007)

Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Oklahoma, Norman,

Oklahoma. (1/2008 – )



Nano 50 Award, Nanotech Briefs, 2006

The Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Research Award, 2006

The Regents’ Award for Superior Research and Creative Activity, 2013



Developing analytical tools for low abundance protein analysis.

Exploring microfabricated devices for high-throughput and cost-effective assays of


Integrating “novel components” into a microchip to perform complex chemical analysis.

Studying the fundamental aspects of mass transport in nanochannels.