Extremophiles & Extracellular Electron Transfer
发布时间 :2019-01-08  阅读次数 :4872

报 告 人:倪高风 博士 瑞典林奈大学

报告时间:2019年1月10日(周四) 下午14:30-15:20


联 系 人:张晓君 xjzhang68@sjtu.edu.cn



Two types of extremophiles were utilized in bioelectrochemical systems and omics techniques were used to study substrate utilization and extracellular electron transfer (EET).In an acidophilic MFCs study for tetrathionate (S4O62-) degradation, a combined metagenomic & metatranscriptomic approach revealed the presence of FerroplasmaAcidithiobacillusSulfobacillus, and Cuniculiplasma. This microbial community was suggested to metabolize inorganic sulfur compounds via multiple pathways, and transfer the electrons released from oxidation to the electrode via soluble electron shuttles. The Ferroplasma-like population in this study was the most active1. Metatranscriptomic investigation of a psychrophilic MFC study for thiocyanate (SCN-) degradation suggested that Thiobacillus was the predominant and most active population. mRNA analysis revealed that thiocyanate was metabolized primarily via the ‘cyanate’ degradation pathway; and the resultant sulfide was oxidized with electrons being transferred via the secretion of electron shuttles2.

These findings highlighted the phylogenetic and metabolic diversity of electrochemically-active microorganisms and urged further research to elucidate the genetic basis for EET.



倪高风,博士为瑞典林奈大学(Linnaeus University)和荷兰水技术研究所Wetsus联合培养。博士课题为嗜极性微生物在微生物电化学系统中的应用,主要从事微生物生态学研究。主要研究方法包括宏基因组技术和宏转录组技术。硕士毕业于荷兰瓦赫宁恩大学(Wageningen University),主要研究微生物电化学系统。