Enzyme development for sugar-based biorefinery
发布时间 :2019-03-15  阅读次数 :3949

报告人:Dr. Surisa Suwannarangsee, 泰国国家遗传工程与生物技术中心(BIOTEC)






One of major impediments for commercialization of sugar-based biorefinery products is the low hydrolysis rate and the cost of enzyme used in the enzymatic saccharification process. To overcome these limitations, development of a powerful enzyme system that can efficiently convert cellulose and hemicelluloses into sugars should be addressed. In this study, an active synergistic enzyme system for hydrolysis of alkali-pretreated rice straw was optimized based on synergy of crude native fungal enzymes produced from Aspergillus aculeatus to a commercial Trichoderma reesei cellulase. Then, the biomass-degrading enzyme production from A. aculeatus by solid state fermentation and submerged fermentation was optimized by using experimental design approach. This work demonstrates potentially economical production of A. aculeatus multi-enzyme for on-site enzyme production and showed the great opportunity for application of this multi-enzyme in biomass saccharification process for biorefinery industry. Moreover, a process so-called consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) currently becomes a promising breakthrough in low-cost processing of cellulosic biomass in which cellulase and hemicellulase production, enzymatic saccharification, and ethanol fermentation are consolidated into a single process step. Such process is critical to the development of industrial production of ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass. Cell surface display systems and techniques, essential for building up CBP-enabling microorganisms have been developed in the last decade. To establish novel cell surface display system with comparable or better capability comparing with the existing system, the identifying, engineering, and validating the novel anchor proteins is indispensable. Here, based on the combining Bioinformatics and Biotechnology approaches, we have successfully identified novel anchoring motifs that showed superior display efficiency to the existing anchoring protein. These novel anchoring motifs can be applied for construction of whole-cell biocatalyst in the future. 



Surisa Suwannarangsee博士专业2007年在泰国著名的朱拉隆功大学获得博士学位,是泰国国家遗传工程与生物技术中心资深研究员,工作于生化技术与生物炼制研究小组,主要研究方向为生物炼制酶制剂开发,酵母表面展示,生物过程优化等,在木质纤维素生物炼制酶研究方向具有丰富的经验。