讲座时间:2019-4-4 10:00-11:30
主 讲 人:美国加州大学San Diego分校植物科学系系主任 教授
联 系 人:邢海娜 (xinghaina@sjtu.edu.cn)
赵云德,博士,美国加州大学分校终身教授、南京农业大学讲座教授。1990年于中国科学院上海药物研究所获微生物学硕士学位后赴美留学,在美国密歇根大学获博士学位,毕业后在著名的The Salk Institute进行博士后工作。主要从事生长素在发育过程中的作用机理方面的研究,在植物生长素的合成、修饰、运输和信号转导的分子机理研究领域取得多项突破性成果。以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Science、Cell、Gene and Development、PNAS、Plant Cell等国际著名期刊上发表多篇学术论文篇,包括应邀为Annual Review of Plant Biology等杂志所撰写的综述。文章引用数超过10000次, H指数51。
CRISPR gene editing technologies have revolutionized biology and crop improvement. In this presentation, I will first describe the remaining challenges of gene editing technologies in plants followed by presenting our effort in improving several aspects of CRISPR gene editing technology. I will focus on two main areas of CRISPR technology: Homology-directed DNA repair (HDR) and transgene-free genome editing. HDR has been regarded as the Holy Grail of genome editing in plants and offers unprecedented applications in agriculture. We have developed new strategies that enabled HDR-based gene replacements in plants. Transgene-free is likely a prerequisite to gain regulatory approval of edited crops. My group has pioneered several strategies that accelerate the isolation of transgene-free, gene-edited plants. Our latest technology allows the isolation of edited, transgene-free plants within a single generation, greatly accelerating crop breeding. I will use editing auxin pathways as an example to demonstrate the power of our new technologies in both basic and applied plant biology.