主讲人: 俞洋 中国科学院生物物理研究所 研究员
报告时间:2019-04-22 9:30-11:00
报告地点:新葡的京集团350vip8888官网登录 1-105
联系人:于明 mingyu@sjtu.edu.cn
中国科学院生物物理研究所研究员,长期从事RNA生物学方面的研究。近年来在piRNA介导的表观遗传调控方面取得了一定成果。2002年于武汉大学病毒学专业本科毕业后,并于2007年获得美国凯斯西储大学生物化学博士学位,师从《RNA Journal》主编/CWRU RNA Center主任Timothy Nilsen。博士求学期间在《Cell》以第一作者发表关于pre-mRNA可变剪切动态调控机制的研究。2010年到2016年在冷泉港实验室做博士后工作,师从美国科学院院士Gregory Hannon,发现并命名了piRNA领域的重要蛋白Panoramix,对其作用机制进行了详实的论述,研究成果在《Science》上发表,该成果对于理解piRNA介导的异染色质形成具有重要意义。博士后期间获得了包括美国心脏联合会(AHA)博士后奖学金,Keystone研讨会奖学金,IUBMB青年科学家奖等奖项。
The repression of transposons by the Piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) pathway is essential to protect germ cells. In Drosophila ovaries, Panoramix enforces transcriptional silencing by binding to the target-engaged Piwi-piRNA complex, although the precise mechanisms by which this occur remain elusive. Here, we show that a germline specific paralogue of a nuclear export factor, dNxf2, functions together with Panoramix and dNxt1 (p15) as a ternary complex to suppress transposon expression. Structural and functional analysis demonstrate a critical role of the UBA domain of dNxf2 in Panoramix association and transposon silencing. Moreover, dNxf2 binds to transposon transcripts directly, probably via its essential RRM domain. Because dNxf1/TAP interacts with dNxf2 and is required for Panx-mediated silencing, we propose that dNxf2 functions as a Pandas (Panoramix-dNxf2 dependent TAP silencing) complex, which may counteract the canonical RNA exporting machinery (TAP/p15) and restrict transposons to nuclear peripheries.